11th Std Maths State Board Syllabus - English Medium

Knowing the 11th Std Maths State Board Syllabus - English Medium will help students in studying in an organised way. Also, the question paper is designed in accordance with the Syllabus. If students study by following the syllabus, then they will easily score high marks in the exam.

Chapter 1 : Sets, Relations and Functions

Introduction - Sets - Cartesian Product - Constants and variables, intervals and neighbourhoods - Relations - Functions - Graphing functions using transformations.

Chapter 2 : Basic Algebra

Introduction - Real number system - Absolute value - Linear inequalities - Quadratic functions - Polynomial functions - Rational functions - Exponents and radicals - Logarithm - Application of algebra in real life.

Chapter 3 : Trigonometry

Introduction - A recall of basic results - Radian measure - Trigonometric functions and their properties - Trigonometric identities - Trigonometric equations - Properties of triangle - Application to triangle - Inverse trigonometric functions.

Chapter 4 : Combinatorics and Mathematical Induction

Introduction - Fundamental principles of counting - Factorials - Permutations - Combinations - Mathematical induction.

Chapter 5 : Binomial Theorem, Sequences and Series

Introduction - Binomial theorem - Particular cases of Binomial theorem - Finite sequences - Finite series - Infinite sequences and series.

Chapter 6 : Two Dimensional Analytical Geometry

Introduction - Locus of a point - Straight lines - Angle between two straight lines - Pair of straight lines.

Chapter 7 : Matrices and Determinants

Introduction - Matrices - Determinants.

Chapter 8 : Vector Algebra

Introduction - Scalars and vectors - Representation of a vector and types of vectors - Algebra of vectors - Position vectors - Resolution of vectors - Direction cosines and Direction ratios - Product of vectors.

Chapter 9 : Differential Calculus - Limits and Continuity

Introduction - Limits - Continuity.

Chapter 10 : Differential Calculus - Differentiability and Methods of Differentiation

Introduction - The concept of derivative - Differentiability and Continuity - Differentiation rules.

Chapter 11 : Integral Calculus

Introduction - Newton-Leibnitz Integral - Basic Rules of Integration - Integrals of the form f(ax + b) - Properties of Integrals - Simple applications - Methods of Integration.

Chapter 12 : Introduction to probability theory

Introduction - Basic definitions - Finite sample space - Probability - Some basic theorems on probability - Conditional probability - Total probability of an event - Bayes’ Theorem.



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Maths Syllabus (CBSE)

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Maths Syllabus (State Board)

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